Welcome to Kaseh's Collection

Welcome to Kaseh's Collection

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The shawl lover. Thank you u all :)

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To my email address :nuzuliman@yahoo.com

u can fill up the form ;P

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· you can make payment through CIMB OR MAYBANK ACCOUNT after payment has been determined that payment to be notified ...

· payment shall be made within 2 days ...(no backout buyers!!)
· will be done through the postal delivery express = RM4.50(maximum 3 items for 1 envelope)
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Friday, April 2, 2010

how 2 wearing two tone shawl inner???

let's try dis technic..its so easy!!

mcm mane nak pakai??jadi 2 tone?mudah je! mai blaja...hehe

1) make ur own decisioon..nak pakai colour purple or hitam atas dahi..

2) if letak kaler purple atas dahi..tarik colour itam yg kat belakang tu kedepan

3) yup..kan da jadi 2 tone...

4) letak shawl yg u all suke..

5) pin kan di bawah dagu..

6) then da siap!! sape cakap kite tak bley nakl bergaya ....bley je..slamat mencube...;)